Guide to batten pocket closed by velcro strap



Batten pocket closed by velcro strap construction


This is a design to hold the batten firmly inside the pocket and to remove it easily if required.


Please note this closure method applies to full batten racing sails in which battens insert from the leech side.


In the following pictures, the hook and loop of velcro are marked in blue and red; and the string is in green color to help the illustration.

Step 1: Insert a small batten (that comes with the sail) into the pocket to push the hook and
loop of velcro apart.

Step 2: Pull out the string that will carry out also the velcro strap.

Step 3: In case of a full batten being used, insert the batten into the pocket until it reaches
the batten pocket protector on the luff side of pocket. In case of a short/normal
batten being used, insert the batten into the pocket and push it until it reaches the
other side of the pocket.

Step 4: Re-insert the small batten into the pocket, this time to bring the velcro strap into
pocket and let the hook and the loop stick together as it was the case before step 1,
that is, one end of the string is still on the strap and the other end out of the pocket.

Step 5: Take away the small batten. Apply a little pressure on the velcro to ensure the hook
and loop sides are firmly stuck. The pocket is now fully closed.

Insert the small batten into the velcro.Put out the string.Insert the batten.Insert the velcro strap with the small batten.Pull out the small batten and seal the batten pocket.

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2009 Cheong Lee Sailmakers Limited. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 2009/04/02 GK